Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) - Group

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Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF)

                        «PSP + HYDRO CYCLONE»
  PSP + Hydro Cyclone provides the 100% conversion of water (84%) + bioethanol and/or biobutanol and/or natural gas and/or associated gas (16%) into high-quality commercial products like gasoline, jet fuel, ULSD, ULSFO.

  The technology is based on a coupled process, where the associated gas first is converted to synthetic gas (syngas), a combination of hydrogen and carbon monoxide by means of a methane reformer. This syngas then is compressed and fed into a reactor, which converts the syngas into syncrude.
  Syncrude will later convert to motor fuels by Hydro Cyclone (Hydrocracker Unit), which can use any kind of hydrocarbons as raw materials.
  At the First Stage of the Project, two Hydro Cyclone will be put into operation, using traditional crude/other hydrocarbons as raw materials producing Motor Gasoline and ULSD or ULSFO as the final products.
  At the Second Stage of the Project, two PSP reactors will be put into operations, allowing to use Natural Gas and Water as ultimate raw materials for the Complex.

ICAG Green Jet (SAF) - it’s a next generation Sustainable Aviation Fuels
ICAG Green Jet is a fuel that meets similar technical and safety requirements as fossil jet fuel.
It is fully compatible with existing jet engines and fueling infrastructure, requiring zero additional investment.

Benefits of the ICAG Green Jet process
 Vegetable oil refining with the Cyclone technology takes place in one module.
Traditional technology 5 modules: degumming, deecidification, decolorization, deodorization, winterization.
The Cyclone refining technology surpasses the traditional one by 4 to 9 times in various indicators.
Catalytic membrane technology allows to produce Green Jet and Green Diesel without  CO2 and H2O emissions.

Reduces harmful CO2 emissions
 ICAG Green Jet emits significantly less CO2, CO, SO2 and particulate matter (soot) up to 85 – 90%.
Reducing these emissions contributes to less contrail cirrus climate effects and improving air quality around airports and surrounding communities.

IC Aerospace Group (ICAG) designs and manufactures advanced engineered composite components for demanding aerospace applications, aero engine and unmanned vehicles. ICAG’s specialty composite solutions enable current and next-generation unmanned vehicles to perform better while being more fuel-efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly.
Phone: +971 58 584 6850
Address: UAE, Abu Dhabi, P.O.Box: 51736.
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