World Records - Group

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World Records

 Aviation has committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
Powering aircraft by Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) is a pathway to reduce the climate impact of aviation by lowering aviation lifecycle CO2 emissions.
Our Invented Sustainable Aviation Fuel (ICAG Green Jet (SAF)) is key for achieving aviation industry’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.
ICAG Green Jet (SAF) - is a fuel that meets similar technical and safety requirements as fossil jet fuel Jet A-1 (ASTM D7566). It is fully compatible with existing jet engines and fueling infrastructure, requiring zero additional investment.

ICAG Green Jet (SAF)
Need: Efficiency and safety paramount
High energy content: volumetric & mass
Stable: high flash point (no explosions), low freeze point (liquid at -47C)
Unique properties enable required Operability
Our goal is to set a World Record for Environmental Friendly Aviation Fuel.
To test aviation fuels, we have developed a stand on which, using an aviation jet engine and special telemetry, all the main environmental and energy parameters of the tested fuel are determined.
When using ICAG Green Jet (SAF) (ASTM D7566):
- reduction of harmful emissions of CO2, CO and smoke up to 85 – 90%;
- increase in flight range up to 25%;
                                                                                                                regarding the use of conventional aviation fuel Jet A-1 (ASTM D7566).

Setting World Records SAF is a real confirmation of the possession of unsurpassed technologies.

  The World Record for the highest altitude remote-controlled (RC) model aircraft flight, registered by the Guinness Book of World Records, belongs to the Americans, who launched from Spaceport America on October 13, 2019 reached an altitude of 10,607 meters.
  Our project called “GHOST S” is an inexpensive technology demonstrator, a 6-times smaller, almost exact copy of the UAV “GHOST STRAT” equipped with an electric motor.
  For the creation of "GHOST S" were used the same graphene composites as for "GHOST STRAT".
    The technical characteristics of "GHOST S" will allow it to reach a flight altitude of 15,000 meters, which will be a new World Record.

Technical Specifications

First flight                                     2024
Classification                                Highest altitude remote-controlled
                                                    (RC) model aircraft
Wingspan                                      4.3 m
Length                                           1.73 m
Gross weight                                 2.54 kg
Cruising speed at altitude            120 km/h
Ceiling                                           15,000 m
Power                                            One 2.1-hp electric motor
                                                     with gear 5.2:1
Battery                                          SuperBattery - Curved Graphene
Power-to-weight ratio (PWR)      827 hp/ton

  New materials, graphene composites, which have become available today, provide a real opportunity to demonstrate their radical benefits, as was the case with Boeing's Condor project.
 This project was made possible for Boeing with the advent in the 1980s of carbon composites, from which the main elements of the Boeing Condor UAV were made.
 The World Record of Boeing Condor flight altitude is 22,800 meters and is unsurpassed to this day.

  The “GHOST STRAT” is a revolutionary UAV entirely of all-bonded functionalized graphene and aero - graphene composites materials, designed for remote-controlled, high-altitude, long-endurance missions. All aerostructures of UAV "GHOST STRAT" have minimal weight and maximum strength.
  Specially designed wing profile and aero engine enable stratospheric flights.
   Power-to-weight ratio (PWR) of UAV "GHOST STRAT" is about 20 times higher than the Boeing Condor UAV, which makes it possible to set a new World Record of flight altitude.

Technical Specifications
First flight                                     2025
Classification                                 Experimental unmanned aerial vehicle
Wingspan                                      26 m
Length                                           10.5 m
Gross weight                                 450 kg
Cruising speed at altitude             390 km/h
Ceiling                                            25,000 m
Power                                            One 340-hp liquid-cooled, fuel-injected, 4-cylinder piston aero engines
Power-to-weight ratio (PWR)      756 hp/ton
IC Aerospace Group (ICAG) designs and manufactures advanced engineered composite components for demanding aerospace applications, aero engine and unmanned vehicles. ICAG’s specialty composite solutions enable current and next-generation unmanned vehicles to perform better while being more fuel-efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly.
Phone: +971 58 584 6850
Address: UAE, Abu Dhabi, P.O.Box: 51736.
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